installing a turbocharger kit

How to Install a Turbo on a Diesel Engine

Installing a turbocharger kit has become indispensable for diesel engines, providing enough strength and efficiency to improve overall engine performance. However, installing these engines in a diesel-driven car can be pretty strenuous and challenging, so it is recommended that experienced automobile professionals handle it. 

This article will help you install a diesel engine turbocharger and explain the steps to ensure a stress-free installation. 

Understanding Why Turbocharging is Needed

Before installing, you must know why adding a turbo to a car is essential. Installing a turbo multiplies the diesel engine’s efficiency and power several times, improving performance. 

An adequate amount of air is forced into the car’s engine cylinder, leading to optimum fuel usage. Consequently, torque and horsepower increase, translating to better towing capacity and acceleration. Diesel engines have a robust design with a higher compression ratio, allowing a smooth turbo installation.

How to Put a Turbo on a Car: Necessary Preparations

If you want a hassle-free turbo installation, you must prepare a blueprint of what to do and how to do it. 

Collect all relevant parts and tools, such as the turbocharger kit, sockets and wrenches, screwdrivers, fittings and oil lines, intercooler, seals and gaskets, and exhaust manifold. 

Before installing a turbocharger kit, ensure it is fully compatible with your vehicle’s engine model. You might face trouble during installation if the workspace is unclean and cluttered. So, unnecessary obstacles, dust, and dirt must be removed to ensure a tidy and clutter-free working environment. 

The coolant and engine oil must be drained safely before installing a turbocharger kit.

Removal of Existing Parts

First, disconnect the car’s battery to avoid unwanted accidents and electrical shocks. The second step involves removing the engine block’s exhaust manifold. The manifold is usually modified or obliterated to ensure adequate turbo accommodation. 

Intake manifold removal and essential diesel engine parts are necessary for a smooth turbocharger installation. 

Removal of Existing Parts

Turbocharger Installation

  • The first step involves attaching the car’s exhaust manifold with strong bolts to the turbocharger. 
  • The alignment must be checked to confirm the turbo’s secured mounting.
  • Around the charger, there must be enough space for exhaust and intake pipes. 
  • The turbocharger and the engine’s oil-feed line must be connected firmly. Otherwise, the oil drainage and flow might get interrupted. In this respect, checking the connection between the return line and the engine’s oil pan is also mandatory. 
  • You must use only high-quality thread sealants or gaskets to intercept oil leaks. 
  • Install the downpipe connecting the engine’s exhaust system to the turbocharger. Make sure the connection is secured. Otherwise, there might be a risk of exhaust leaks. 

Installation of Additional Components

  • If your car engine’s turbo kit includes an intercooler, install it between the intake manifold and turbocharger. 
  • The intercooler cools the turbo’s compressed air to increase power output and efficiency. 
  • The air filler’s intake pipes must be connected to the inlet of the turbocharger so that the outlet linked with the intercooler remains attached to the intake manifold. 
  • All fittings and clamps need to be checked to avoid air leaks. 
  • You can reinstall the engine’s intake manifold to verify whether it has been sealed correctly against the block. 

Concluding the Installation Process

  • The engine’s cooling system must be refilled with an appropriate coolant mixture and have enough fresh oil. 
  • Battery reconnection is needed to provide power to your car. 
  • After starting the car engine, keep the engine idle for some time to check for exhaust leaks, oil leaks, or unusual noises. 
  • You must observe the engine’s boost pressure to secure the correct functioning of the turbocharger. 
  • A test drive is the final step and needs to be done to ascertain the engine performance improvements. While testing, you must consciously observe acceleration, the turbo’s response, and other potential issues, including power loss or excessive smoke. 

What Are the Major Post-Installation Considerations? 

Without proper maintenance and care, the health of the engine and turbocharger might deteriorate over time. To keep turbocharged car engines healthy, specially designed, top-graded synthetic oil needs to be used.

Monitoring unusual readings, engine temperatures, and boost pressure is also necessary. Engine tuning is the most crucial part that cannot be ignored. It optimizes the ignition timing and boosts fuel delivery. It also plays a significant role in increasing efficiency, performance, and airflow. 

Now, understanding the turbo lag is crucial.

Turbo lag is a delay between the turbo offering boost and the throttle. This delay can only be managed by choosing the correct driving style, which includes maintaining the engine within the optimal RPM range and accurately anticipating acceleration needs. 

Post-Installation Considerations

Final Thoughts

Installing a turbocharger kit takes a lot of time and effort. It can only be accomplished with the right tools and help from certified professionals. The detailing must be maintained per the guidelines, and all safety guidelines must be strictly followed. 

Multiple evaluations of all connections and consideration of professional tuning are necessary to receive the best installation results. Rely on professional turbocharger installation to elevate your car’s towing capacity or acceleration. 

Let the Experts at Diesel Components Assist You!

If you need dependable diesel engine services in Minnesota, Diesel Components Inc. has you covered. Our experienced team ensures that your installation is seamless and delivers the power your vehicles deserve.

Contact us today for all your diesel engine requirements. 

You can also reach us at (952) 890-2885 or visit us.